
Sempra基金会 Wins U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's Top Honor for Corporate Citizenship


圣地亚哥, 11月. 29, 2022 /美通社/——美国政府正在采取行动.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation has recognized the charitable achievements of Sempra基金会, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization founded 和 endowed by Sempra (NYSE: SRE) (BMV: SRE), for Best 社区 Improvement Program as part of its 23rd 年度市民奖. The Citizens 奖 recognize purpose-driven businesses for taking a leadership role in helping solve the world's biggest challenges 和 recognize innovative 和 impactful corporate citizenship initiatives that are raising the bar on social responsibility 和 accelerating momentum for a more equitable 和 sustainable future.

This year's Citizens Award for Best 社区 Program is dedicated to a single strategic initiative focused on community improvement. This prestigious honor was earned for Sempra基金会's support of energy access programs designed to strengthen communities 和 create opportunities for all. Thanks to funding by Sempra, Sempra基金会 has made strategic 贡献 to help deliver clean, affordable solar power to seven organizations — including two orphanages, two Indigenous residential communities, 健康中心, a migrant center 和 a hospice for serving individuals experiencing homelessness 和 living with HIV/AIDS 和 tuberculosis — 和 residential communities in 恩塞纳达港, 提华纳, 墨西卡利. The clean energy installations are helping budget-strapped organizations which can now reduce utility expenses 和 allow funds to be reallocated to critical needs that are not typically covered by donations while helping eliminate approximately 3,800 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

"We're proud of the positive impact that Sempra基金会's program is making in these communities, 和 our work doesn't stop 在这里,” 丽莎·拉罗克·亚历山大, director 和 board chair of Sempra基金会. "We are privileged to be able to help make a real difference, 和 the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation 奖 bring important attention to the role organizations like ours can play in helping others."

23年来,美国一直保持着稳定.S. Chamber Foundation's Citizens 奖 have showcased how businesses can be leaders in helping to solve the world's biggest challenges 和 leverage their resources, expertise 和 talent to make a positive impact. Companies 和 chambers of commerce from around the globe compete for the Citizens 奖, making it one of the most coveted recognitions in corporate citizenship.

“Sempra基金会, through Sempra's support, has done exceptional work to exp和 reliable, cleaner energy access for under-resourced communities,” Marc DeCourcey, senior vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. "Its investments are not only filling a critical need for thous和s of people, but also helping build economic prosperity 和 a more sustainable future."

美国.S. Chamber Foundation announced the winners of this year's Citizens 奖 on 2022年11月16日, at the 2022 Corporate Citizenship Conference 和 奖: Business Solves. Learn more about the 奖 program 在这里.

Founded by Sempra in 2007, Sempra基金会 has long been focused on investing its energy 和 resources into efforts to make a real difference for people when they need it most. Sempra基金会 invests in the issue of energy access for those who live in energy poverty, helping to advance social progress 和 shape a vibrant future for all. The foundation also has a long history of supporting relief efforts when disasters strike, 包括森林大火, 飓风, earthquakes 和 other 事件.

Sempra基金会 additionally encourages community engagement by supporting the 20,000 employees who work for Sempra 和 its operating companies, helping them to deliver their energy with purpose in communities by matching certain employee 贡献 of time 和 money to any eligible 501(c)(3) charitable organization they choose to support.



Media 联系: Patricia Kakridas, Sempra, (877) 340-8875, (电子邮件保护); Financial 联系: Jenell McKay, Sempra, (877) 736-7727, (电子邮件保护)